
Read Iveco EDC7UC31 by FGTech Galletto and Ktag

Here are two optional solutions of how to read Iveco EDC7UC31 Bosch ECU by using FGTech galletto and Ktag ksuite v2.10 respectively.

This is the Iveco truck ECU Bosch EDC7UC31 to read:

Solution 1: Ktag v2.10 read EDC7UC31 Bosch ECU

Tested with Ktag master ecu tuning kit firmware v5.001 and ksuite v2.10 software from obdii365.com
Here goes to the ecu reading process…
Select truck-> Iveco truck-> Cursor B-> Bosch EDC7UC31 to read the ecu data

Note: there are lots of Ktag clones with different firmware & software versions. Some are designed for cars, some for trucks. But sometimes even the truck version fails to do on trucks. So the real fact only can be learned by testing yourself, with luck.

Solution 2: FGTech 2 & special adapter read Iveco EDC7UC31 without issues

The FgTech galletto 2 master ecu programmer is offered by obdii365.com also.
The process of EDC7UC31 ecu reading…

Note: EDC7UC31 ecu reading through galletto needs luck. Some people in forums said they failed to this. Even the experienced

– So which ecu programmer you should choose to read EDC7UC31 ecu?
–  It depends. Both can read EDC7UC31 successfully, with disassembling the ecu. Here list some aspects for you to think about your purchase.
K-tag v2.10: $79.00 
Fgtech 2: $29.99

Reading speed:
Ktag: about 5 minutes to complete the ecu reading
Fg tech: about 3 minutes for it

–> Conclusion:
They both work good, but KTAG runs without tokens limitation, perfect with checksum, compared with FGTech.

Good luck when reading EDC7UC31 ecu.


Flash EDC16 & Me9 ECU by Fgtech Galletto via BDM

Have tried to flash EDC16 with KESS V2 clone, but i can not see anymore HW and VIN from the EDC16 ECU and the car not starts! Then worked with Fgtech Galletto v54 master, all EDC 16 on BDM without any problem… (BIG thanks to maki1)

Here is what i did with the EDC16U34 from VAG ECU, using Fgtech galletto v54.

The BDM pad here
BDM pad

Now carefully align with the adapter springs drop and secure frame
align with the adapter springs 1
align with the adapter springs 2
align with the adapter springs 3
Connect FgTech galletto correctly

Open FgTech software
Make sure you have 12v+ feeding FG Tech and the intermediate adapter
12v battery

Switch the intermediate adapter ON
Red LED will illuminate
Red LED will illuminate

Click on Select Driver-> BDM/Jtag-> Connect
If everything is ok, the green bar will start loading and finally display ECU info

When finished, turn off the switch and exit program
Same procedure applies to all EDC16

In short,
we need flash the ECU with BDM if we have full flash for this ECU…
open ECU and read all with BDM…
must find full flash hw and sw version for this ECU…
when write chose flash,not not all (eeprom and MCU not need).

Note: This method applies to all Bosch EDC16 and Me9 ECUs.


Fgtech Galletto 4 V54 blocked by Internet Solution

Here is the working solution to Fgtech Galletto 4 V54 master ecu programmer blocked problem.

Question: FGtech V54 blocked help please.
I have Galletto FG tech 4 V54 clone, and blocked for internet update. Someone can help me??? Please help me as to how to download it to version that will make it work, please i need guidelines and url and where to get the lower firmware.

I reinstall the software and drivers en other computer. Run the software and see one banner "Galleto error an ocurred and close." . Reinstall the software (double click in setup,only reinstall software) without erase back installation and drivers. Fgtech galletto locked problem solved. more information see. Enjoy!




Reflash Carprog MCU ARM by Jtag programmer

Here is the tutorial on re-flashing carprog clone Mcu AT91SAM7S256 step by step.

Tool use: Carprog v8.21 firmware

We need the stuff:
1- AT91SAM7S256.bin
2- Jtag programmer
3- Jtag software

We need to prepare the Carprog to connect to Jtag programmer but first the flash need to be erased, the Jtag function in mcu is disabled, you can't connect to the mcu before erase the flash. Remove the AT88SC eeprom from the board, please note where is the pin 1 in eeprom before remove:


Carefully lift the pin 55 (reset) of the mcu and solder a wire and secure it with a small ammount of silicone (you don't want to broke the pin in the process).
Connect the Carprog (with the pin 55 dissconected) to the 12v supply, wait about 10 seconds and connect the wire from pin 55 to Vcc (3.3V) in Carprog:

Carprog 2
Wait from 5 to 10 seconds after connect the 12v supply, the flash content will be erased and the Jtag option of the Mcu will be enabled now. If not work leave connected for about 3 to 5 minutes. Disconnect the 12v supply from CarProg full  and remove the pin 55 wire from vcc. The pin 55 must remain disconnected until the programming process is done.

Ok, that’s it. I make it; and you try on you risk.


Fgtech Galletto V54 vs. Xprog vs. Carprog vs.UPA USB

Here is a helpful text for an electronic technician having doubt about tools of airbag ECU repair work, as he said below,
“I’m electronic technician and am starting repairs airbag ECUs.
My doubt is: CARPROG or XPROG or other? or both?
What differences?
What i need more?
Carprog can help me at all? UPA or Fgtech should i need?”

Carprog reset airbag via K-Line
I would say both, carprog and xprog-m . Carprog v9.31 can do many types of airbag by K-line, so no need to open ecu, reads/clears DTC and crash data by Kline and by reading dumps as well, load them in its own software and clear them, then write back to eeprom, mcu…all in one go…
You can buy UPA USB as well, very good programmer.
You can’t cover all eeproms and MCU’s with one or two programmers…

Genuine CarProg vs Clone CarProg
The clone version works great on pretty much anything (airbag reset is definitely yes) up to about 2008-2010 but it does not support the MAC and XC chips found in some of the late model vehicles.
So clone Carprog would be a reasonable choice… learn with it, make a few $$ from it and upgrade to the original tool with the full software package and adapters. They now even have the option to ‘Legalize’ the clones to be fully updateable and work with the new chips and software that requires an internet connection for about $1500.

UPA vs Xprog vs FGtech v54 vs Carprog
UPA & Xprog m are just programmers can read MCU and EEPORMS, very different from Carprog
FGTECH v54 – its a BDM programmer for ECU and OBD2
CARPROG – programmer + many calculators, immo airbag key …. car radio, nav… read EEPROMS, some dashes are working and couple AIRBAG MCU. You can read opel pin code from ecus. with 4.74 can do couple Keys.
If car is not very new you can read all memories with tools above.

In my opinion and when i started, i buy 2014 UPA USB first for everything eprom and mcu related, very good tool and affordable also the script capability is a wonderful thing and really gives speed to your work. After Fgtech galletto v54 for ecu bdm, jtag, boot mode etc… For other specific jobs then think ETL Xprog Carprog etc… This is my opinion its value its up to you to decide.

Anyway, you must look for what you want or what you need a good programmer to read all cpu and eeprom, or you want a programmer ( can read all eeprom but can’t read all cpu motorola ) with some calculations !!



Fgtech Galletto V54 Low Voltage Problem Solution

I have 2 fgtech galletto 4 v54 master ecu programmers. One worked without issue. And I installed a good herein. It can also start the program, but I can not use.Software warns "LOW VOLTAGE". What could be the problem?
Obdii365 engineer solution:
Do not shut down the Fgtech v54 software program. Keep software running.
Disconnect the fgtech galletto from laptop. 
Reconnect the galletto v54 with laptop via USB cable.
Then the laptop will detect the voltage. 


Fgtech galletto read FIAT Ducato euro 5 via BDM

Just tested Fgtech galletto 4 v54 master ecu programmer on Fiat Ducato via BDM. Worked great.

FIAT Ducato euro 5 MJD 8F3 +++150HP +++ speed +++RPM (((((((((((+++Power-engine)))))))))

Fgtech galletto read FIAT Ducato 1

Fgtech galletto read FIAT Ducato 2


Fgtech galletto v54 failed to read opel edc16c39 via OBD?

My fgtech galletto 4 v54 master cannot read opel edc16c39 via OBD. Does it give a full or partial read?

Customer Solutions:

Fgtech Galletto don't read this ecu via obd. Only BDM

If you wanna do it by obd, do it with kess v2.
Fgtech v54 is too fast and you may have problem after write
i did it with kess v2 master.


Only bdm for full flash wiit galletto.
Mpps read obd partial this ecu

With galletto 4 you have virtual read and partial real read....that if you have the original one. Yes, and full read is required only if You need to see full dtc tables. DPF need only one switch. You will need a bdm full read to do the dpf/egr delete


Fgtech Galletto flash MPC mpc55xx PDF via BDM

Just flashed MPC mpc55xx dpf OK via BDM/JTAG by using Fgtech Galletto 4 V54 master ECU tuning kit.

pinout attached:




How to flash sagem s2000 rpmt with fgtech galletto v54

I need to read ECU Renault espace 2l Sagem s2000 RPTM.I do not know how and i need a photo pinout for this ecu. I have Fgtech galletto 4 v54 master BDM-Tricore-OBD programmer. I had some search work and finally got the problem solved. It is a long story. 

Sagem s2000:
sagem s2000 rpmt
sagem s2000 rpmt 2

A ECU tuner said that he has flashed one from 1.8 to 1.6 engine. He used K-tag,but it work with Fgtech Galletto v54 in boot mode also.
Another one attached me some photos:
flash sagem s2000 rpmt 1
flash sagem s2000 rpmt 2
flash sagem s2000 rpmt 3
flash sagem s2000 rpmt 4

But they does not work.I wan't to remove on error from throttle which is permanent.

error is : PF 413. Then I continue looking for the solution on how to solve this error PF 413 by resoft flash.

A experienced engieer provided me some suggestions:

"Flash is not in mpc. Flash is 29f200.
I was talking that you have to choose that type of mpc for bootmode. An then choose external flash.
The other foto is for psa s2000 (not rpm) ecu.

You need another ecu, or change driver.
In fact it is an analogic to digital converter.

You have to pull out the silicone.
Then measure the throttle pin's to the IC. That is the driver.

It is easyear to buy another ecu, then transfer full flash to it.I did-it with galleto in boot mode.
Back-up the old one, then move eprom from one to another, and you are ready to start.

Moove flash with galleto, and eeprom by hot air.When you fisicaly move eprom (95p08 as i remember), then you move immo also.

Your car is ready to start."

I buy new ecu sagem s 2000 rptm from renault laguna 1,8 gazoline.
Hardware It seems as.I red flash with galletto v 54 ok.
Problem is i no find immo chip for cloning this ecu.

Again with the help of the tuning master.

I write flash with galletto in the new ecu.ok
Now must move immo chip (95080c) with hot air.

the photo in #9 is so clear, the chip marked 95080 3.
